On 7 October 2020 the European Parliament, gathered in Plenary session, adopted the own initiative report “The European Forest Strategy – The way forward”, led by the Rapporteur Petri Sarvamaa (Finland, EPP Group).
The European Woodworking Industries endorse the adopted report, which stresses the need for a balanced, independent and self-standing EU Forest Strategy for the post-2020 period, built on a comprehensive understanding of Sustainable Forest Management. This approach is the way forward to enable the European forests and forest-based Industries to tap into their potential of climate change mitigation and sustainable job creation, in line with the 2050 climate-neutrality objective of the EU. As the report rightly acknowledges, “stepping up the circular bio-economy is an essential approach to achieving a low-carbon society in the implementation of the Green Deal”, and the European Woodworking Industries play an essential role in that transition.